Saturday, 24 January 2009

SANS Security 504 - 19 Feb - 23 Apr, Mentor Session, London, UK

December has just passed by and left very nice memories of SANS London 2008 conference - very extensive training, new friends and more than anything else - great fun all week long!

To stay in the good mood - I have the pleasure to announce, that I will be mentoring Security 504: Hacker Techniques, Exploits and Incident Handling during Mentor Sessions in London, UK. We will start on Thursday, 23 Feb 2009 and will meet weekly, every Thursday evening, till 23 Apr 2009. We will of course finish with Capture the Flag game (wohooo - that will be fun!) at the end of the course. If you would be interested in participating in the course, please contact me or SANS Institute directly.

You can find more information about my mentor SEC 504 session, it's content and requirements at the SANS website.

Those SANS conferences are really special - your brain gets overloaded
with new information usually sooner than you would say (or rather hope)
it's possible, you loose yourself in the depths and all those tiny
details that are described in the lectures and by the end of the day
you "forget" most of them, just to realize that you need them tomorrow
for one of the labs :-)

The bottom line is that those 6-day conferences are great! Unfortunately some of us work in a way that will not allow us to disappear for the whole week just like that - then the Mentor type session is the way to go - local mentor, meetings once a week with self-study in between them.

See you in the classroom!

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